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- 顾延东,杨安龙,程金武,谢超杰,孙浩,成立.多孔质气体静压径向轴承的可压流动建模及数值求解.排灌机械工程学报,2024,42(7)1-8.
- 顾延东,卞君杰,王其梁,Stephen C,刘本庆,成立.Energy performance and pressure fluctuation in multi-stage centrifugal pump with floating impellers under various axial oscillation frequencies.ENERGY,2024,307
- 顾延东,孙浩,陆荣,刘本庆,葛杰.Effect of Trimmed Rear Shroud on Performance and Axial Thrust of Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pump With Emphasis on Visualizing Flow Losses.JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2024,146(1)
- 顾延东,卞君杰,Stephen C,杨安龙,赵文鹏,B?hle M.Novel adjustable backflow structure in electric coolant pump for balancing hydraulic performance and reducing temperature rise.APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2024,249
- 顾延东,杨安龙,B?hle M,赵文鹏.Investigation of hydrodynamic lubricant film breakdown between the journal and bearing in a high-speed coolant pump of electric vehicles.ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS,2024,160
- 顾延东,王东成,成立,Schimpf,A,B?hle,M.A Novel Method to Achieve Fast Multi-Objective Optimization of Hydrostatic Porous Journal Bearings Used in Hydraulic Turbomachine.JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2023,145(5)
- 顾延东,卞君杰,王川,孙浩,王梦成,葛杰.Transient numerical investigation on hydraulic performance and flow field of multi-stage centrifugal pump with floating impellers under sealing gasket damage condition.PHYSICS OF FLUIDS,2023,35(4)
- 顾延东,程金武,谢超杰,李龙宇,郑昌庚.Theoretical and Numerical Investigations on Static Characteristics of Aerostatic Porous Journal Bearings.MACHINES,2022,10(3)
- 顾延东,程金武,王鹏,成立,司乔瑞,王川,袁寿其.A Flow Model for Side Chambers of Centrifugal Pumps Considering Radial Wall Shear Stress.PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022,236(13)7115-7126.
- 顾延东,李加旭,王鹏,成立,邱勇,王川,司乔瑞.An Improved One-Dimensional Flow Model for Side Chambers of Centrifugal Pumps Considering the Blade Slip Factor.JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2022,144(9)
- 顾延东,程金武,孙浩,梁澳,成立.A Three-Dimensional Slip Velocity Model for Water-Lubricated Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings.JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2022,10(7)
- 顾延东,卞君杰,孙浩,王梦成,葛杰.Transient numerical investigation on hydraulic performance and flow field of multi-stage centrifugal pump with floating impellers under sealing gasket damage condition.PHYSICS OF FLUIDS,2023,35(4)
- 顾延东,王东成,成立,Schimpf,A,B?hle,M.A Novel Method to Achieve Fast Multi-Objective Optimization of Hydrostatic Porous Journal Bearings Used in Hydraulic Turbomachine.JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2023,145(5)
- 顾延东,程金武,梁澳,成立,王鹏.考虑叶轮流动滑移的离心泵盘腔流动模型.航空动力学报,2022,37(7)1550-1559.
- 顾延东,李加旭,王鹏,邱勇,王川,司乔瑞.An Improved One-Dimensional Flow Model for Side Chambers of Centrifugal Pumps Considering the Blade Slip Factor.JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2022,144(9)